Internet Reacts to Supermodel Chrissy Teigen Asking for Nintendo Switch Help

Super Model Chrissy Teigen is known to indulge in her passion for all things Nintendo with some of [...]


Super Model Chrissy Teigen is known to indulge in her passion for all things Nintendo with some of her favourites including the most recent Super Mario Odyssey. That being said, the expecting mother is having a hard time with motion sickness as of late and took to her Twitter to ask for some help with Nintendo Switch game picks.

The responses were immediate, even including our very own editor, and former IGN host Naomi Kyle. The quest for looking for a suitable 2D game quickly turned into Stardew Valley Hell, despite many warning her to stay away if she wanted to retain any semblance of a social life. The replies were pretty helpful. Some helpful, some hopeful, but ultimately - pretty cool to see the gaming community come together to offer some friendly advice.

But ... things went a little left of center when someone told her she couldn't clear out her entire farm, and she began stressing about not being able to clean.

And that's when others stepped in, including Kyle, to save the day and offer a social media shoulder to cry on for emotional support:

Stardew Valley definitely is an addictive game, very easy to sink hours and hours into. There were plenty of other suggestions, including Oxenfree, revisiting the Sonic franchise, and more. Hopefully she can get her gaming fix in soon - we've all been there!