
Cities: Skylines To Clean Up Its Act With The New Green Cities Expansion

Do you love classic SimCity? Of course, you do – everybody likes playing God! Sadly, the latest […]

Do you love classic SimCity? Of course, you do – everybody likes playing God! Sadly, the latest SimCity was a bit of a dud, but indie upstart Cities: Skylines is doing an admirable job picking up the slack. The game’s latest expansion adds more options for the environmentally minded, including dozens of new eco-friendly buildings, and other pollution-busting services.

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Here’s the official rundown for Cities: Skylines’ Green Cities expansion:

Cities: Skylines Green Cities adds 350 new assets to the core game, adding a massive selection of new visual options, complete with eco-friendly buildings, organic stores, electric vehicles, and new services designed to make pollution a quaint notion of the past. Players can create more diversified cities, or go completely green as the urban population grows. New in-game services and buildings arrive alongside revisions to noise and environmental pollution, making the skies safe at last.

As always, the expansion will be accompanied by a free content update to the base game, which will include electric cars, road modding, changes to noise pollution, and more beautification options in the form of parks and trees, among other things.


  • Story to Story, Building to Building, Street to Street: New Eco-Friendly Buildings, New specialization buildings, new alternative service buildings, new unique buildings, electric cars, new parks.
  • I Wish I Was Special: New specialized options for all city zones, plus leveled-up specializations for the first time
  • So, What’s the Scenario: Additional scenarios, policy options, and a new Monument to make your friends Green with envy
  • Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear More Stylish: Of course, we’ve included a flower-crown hat for Chirper.

Cities: Skylines is currently available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The Green Cities expansion will arrive “later this year” on PC, and should hit consoles a bit later.