Cory Barlog Wanted To Use God of War’s Single Shot System On the Tomb Raider Franchise

In case you missed the news, Sony’s ambitious God of War has officially gone gold, which means [...]

God of War

In case you missed the news, Sony's ambitious God of War has officially gone gold, which means there will be nothing standing in the way of its release next month.

The game will introduce an innovative single shot system, with no loading time to speak of and everything coming across as a fluid, immersive experience. Director Cory Barlog and his team invested a lot of effort into this system, and it should be amazing.

However, this isn't the first time that Barlog has suggested using a single shot for a video game. He recently spoke with the Daily Star about the process, explaining, "Executing a no-cut camera, I thought it was impossible when I read the script, I thought it was impossible when it looked at our equipment, I thought it was impossible when I looked at the reality of our production pipelines."

But he was thinking of the system long ago, and, at one point, pitched it to Crystal Dynamics while they were working on the Tomb Raider series. Seriously, can you imagine how dynamic Rise of the Tomb Raider would've truly been in a single shot? (Not that it's not a good game, mind you.)

"I was sticking to my guns well before I even got back to Sony," he explained. "I wanted to do this (the one-shot camera technique) and I had pitched it to Crystal Dynamics when I was there working on Tomb Raider and everyone was like, 'That's crazy, we don't want to do that.'

"And my reaction was like, 'Yeah, you know, I don't know if this is the best place for me anyway.' I was already starting to talk to people about new roles at Sony and then I think I realized this (God of War) is the one I can do it on."

He continued, "I guess, for me, there was just a lot more creative support and faith with Sony. Like they'd say, you've got a crazy idea, we're going to support you, regardless of how much of a leap off a cliff it is."

The process certainly wasn't a cakewalk, but Sony supported Barlog and his team through and through, and now it could easily pay off with one of the greatest games released in the PlayStation 4 era. We've been hearing good things about it, and can't wait to give it a go!

God of War releases on April 20 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.