This Cosplayer Has A Nintendo Switch For A Head – And Is Playing Themselves

There are some great cosplayers making the rounds at Tokyo Game Show this weekend, including [...]

There are some great cosplayers making the rounds at Tokyo Game Show this weekend, including devotees to stuff like Dead Or Alive, Dragon Ball Z and more. But perhaps our favorite is one where this person actually gets to play themselves – and no, that's not a callback for that one meme with DJ Khaled.

An unidentified cosplayer has hit the show floor with one of the coolest outfits we can imagine. They're dressed from the ground up like traditional Mario, with red and blue suspenders and white gloves. But their head? It's actually a Nintendo Switch-like system with a TV built on the side. And it looks to be perfectly functional.

The outfit was originally pointed out on Reddit by a user under the name Kurobiii, with a video posted above to show this player in action. It's already an impressive costume, being able to walk around with a Nintendo Switch for a head. But, wait, it gets better.

As this person is walking around, they can apparently play games while on the go. And this player is going all out with a session of ARMS while they walk around, with JoyCons in hand. Thus, the whole "Congratulations, you played yourself" statement, because this person is literally playing themselves.

The video, posted by a YouTuber under the name of Krovi, is only about fifteen seconds long, but really provides you a good idea of how the whole set-up works. It's incredibly impressive, but leaves us with questions. Do they actually have another Switch screen built inside the Switch head gear, so they can see what they're playing? And if so, can they still see outside the Switch set-up, so they can avoid falling over and basically breaking their head? (It looks a lot more fragile than the regular Nintendo Switch is.)

Maybe we're asking too many questions. The fact that a cosplayer was able to pull this off is still a very neat feat, and leaves us wondering if we'll see them again at future shows. This would totally kill at E3 2018, if Nintendo could hire them to walk around the booth. "Hey, play me!"