Cartoon Network’s animated series Craig of the Creek is set to air a video game-themed episode, “Chrono Moss,” today as part of a slate of new episodes airing Monday through Friday this week and the next. What sets “Chrono Moss” apart from the rest, however, is that Cartoon Network isn’t just releasing the episode itself but a video game based on the episode called Chrono Moss: First Strike through the CN Arcade app. There will also be a longer version of the video game called Chrono Moss: Quest For Glory released on CN Arcade this summer.
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Chrono Moss: First Strike looks to be loosely based on the episode as Craig and friends find themselves inside a real-life video game. “Craig and his friends come upon a mysterious Moss Village,” Cartoon Network’s official description of the new Craig of the Creek episode reads, “which could aid them in their quest for the Heart of the Forest.” You can check out a clip of Craig of the Creek‘s “Chrono Moss” episode below:
Chrono Moss: First Strike sees Craig, Kelsey, Omar, and JP battle various enemies using special abilities and items as they encroach from the top of the screen. There are several levels of enemies to fight through with honestly lovely pixel-art graphics. Exactly how many levels will be in Chrono Moss: First Strike is unclear, but Chrono Moss: Quest For Glory should have even more when it releases this summer.
You can check out a screenshot from Chrono Moss: First Strike below:
As noted above, Chrono Moss: First Strike is set to launch as part of the CN Arcade app to coincide with the new episode.ย Craig of the Creek‘s “Chrono Moss” episode is set to air on Cartoon Network today, April 11th, at 5PM ET/PT. New episodes are set to air all this week and next and will be available to stream on HBO Max the day after they air. Chrono Moss: Quest For Glory is set to release on the CN Arcade app this summer. You can check out all of our previous coverage of Craig of the Creek right here.
What do you think about Craig of the Creek releasing a video game at the same time as the video game-themed episode? Are you looking forward to catching “Chrono Moss” for yourself? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop in order to talk about all things animation and gaming!