Dead by Daylight Players Get Bonuses Ahead of Anniversary Event

Dead by Daylight's big anniversary event is just a few days away now, but players don't have to wait that long to benefit from this annual celebration. Behaviour Interactive announced this week that it's running a login bonus campaign from now until the anniversary event takes place on May 16th to give away free Bloodpoints to whoever hops into Dead by Daylight between now and then. That's all leading up to the presentation itself which will naturally have news about the future of Dead by Daylight but will also talk about the in-game anniversary event, too, so this is only an appetizer for what's to come.

The Bloodpoint bonus amounts to 66,666 Bloodpoints each day you login to Dead by Daylight, Behaviour said this week. That event runs from May 11th to May 17th, so assuming you at least load up the game every day, you'll earn a total of 466,662 Bloodpoints. That's assuming you caught the announcement whenever it was shared on Wednesday, but even if you didn't that's still six days' worth of Bloodpoints coming your way for doing nothing more than logging into the game.

Bloodpoint giveaways are pretty common over in Dead by Daylight, so this won't be a huge deal to those who play so much that they're sitting on mountains of that in-game currency, but keep in mind that there's another new Chapter on the way. Behaviour is set to reveal that one during the anniversary event, and if past events have set a precedent for what's to come, it'll be one to look forward to whether it's a licensed Chapter or an original one. The Chapter likely won't shadow drop the same week or anything like that, but it won't be too far away after the reveal, so any Bloodpoints you have banked up can be dumped right into your new Survivor or Killer if you plan on picking it up.

Dead by Daylight players have theories about what the next Chapter might be, and leaks have naturally looked to spoil the reveal, too, but we won't know for sure what's planned until next week. Until then, you can continue amassing your Bloodpoints during this login campaign.