Discord Is Offering Developers an Incredible Revenue Deal

Not to be outdone by Epic Games' incredible way of handling developers and their games for their [...]

Not to be outdone by Epic Games' incredible way of handling developers and their games for their own PC gaming client, Discord just made their own announcement that means big things for the game creation process.

Discord starting selling games through their social platform earlier this year, but the details on the inner-workings of their client were largely still between business partners. Following Epic's reveal that they are majorly one-upping Steam on how they split revenue with their developers, Discord said "hold my beer" with a whopping 90/10 split beginning at the beginning of next year.

"Earlier this year though, we noticed a change happening in the game industry," began Discord's most recent blog post. "We talked to a lot of developers, and many of them feel that current stores are not earning their 30% of the usual 70/30 revenue share. Because of this, we now see developers creating their own stores and launchers to distribute their games instead of focusing on what's really important — making great games and cultivating amazing communities."

They then posed a direct challenge to their competitors, "So, we asked ourselves a few more questions. Why does it cost 30% to distribute games? Is this the only reason developers are building their own stores and launchers to distribute games? Turns out, it does not cost 30% to distribute games in 2018. After doing some research, we discovered that we can build amazing developer tools, run them, and give developers the majority of the revenue share."

Because of this research, the Discord store will be offering tools for developers to self-publish their own games - no matter the size of the studio, even if it's a one-person team - for an unbeatable rate. "No matter what size, from AAA to single person teams, developers will be able to self publish on the Discord store with 90% revenue share going to the developer. The remaining 10% covers our operating costs, and we'll explore lowering it by optimizing our tech and making things more efficient."

Between this and the verified servers for developers, Discord is proving time and time again that they are here for the gamers.

Thoughts on the booming increase in gaming clients? Whose got your vote of confidence? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!