Death Saves Reveals Epic Mind Flayer D&D Ring

Joe Manganiello's Death Saves streetwear line has launched its coolest product yet - a Mind Flayer [...]

Joe Manganiello's Death Saves streetwear line has launched its coolest product yet - a Mind Flayer ring. Earlier today, Death Saves unveiled an absolutely stunning ring featuring the sinister face of a Mind Flayer, one of Dungeons & Dragons' most iconic creatures. The ring, which was designed by Geoff Thomas, is made with 100% sterling silver and captures every tentacle, spike, and cranial hole in absolutely stunning detail. The inside of the ring contains an additional surprise - a vignette of one of the Mind Flayer's victims, screaming in horror with their brain exposed. Small brains line the inside of the ring, a brilliant reminder of just how dangerous a Mind Flayer is.

Manganiello founded the Death Saves streetwear line last year with an emphasis on capturing a unique retro/metal aesthetic that evokes 1980s nerd culture. Death Saves features art by artists known for their work designing metal rock album covers, and their partnership with brands like Dungeons & Dragons has led to some of the more wickedly awesome streetwear and t-shirts out there today. Death Saves has also featured iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters like the displacer beast and the demon lords Demogorgon and Orcus on some of their other products.

The Mind Flayer isn't the first iconic monster that Death Saves has turned into a unique D&D accessory. Other rings sold by Death Saves includes a Death Knight and an Orc. You can also buy a ring or pendant featuring Death Saves' cross logo. You can get an up-close look of the Mind Flayer ring on Death Saves' website. Of course, a sterling silver depiction of pure eldritch horror isn't cheap - the ring will cost $750 and are custom-made to order.