New Fighting Project From Street Fighter EX Producer Finally Has A Name, Getting A Beta Soon

Back during EVO 2017, Akira Nishitani, the producer behind the Street Fighter EX series, hinted [...]

Back during EVO 2017, Akira Nishitani, the producer behind the Street Fighter EX series, hinted that he was working on a "Mysterious Fighting Game" for PlayStation 4, promising to bring a number of old and new characters – including Skullomania! – to the 3D forefront for some serious brawling.

Today, in a new entry on the PlayStation Blog, Nishitani revealed some new details about the game, which has now finally gotten an official title – say hello to Fighting EX Layer!

"There were some troubles during the naming process that caused some delays, but it's finally settled!" he explained, while also noting "although there were a lot of people already calling it this whenever we streamed."

A new trailer for the game can be seen above, showing off its unique amount of detail and grand fighting tactics. But don't worry – you'll be able to get your hands on with it soon enough.

Nishitani confirmed that the game will be at PlayStation Experience next month, so attendees can see what it's all about and try out a few different competitors, though an exact list wasn't given.

Can't make it to the event? There will also be an open beta that will be following the event, starting on December 11th. It'll go for about two weeks' time, and will feature six different characters – Kairi, Garuda, Skullomania, Darun Mister, Allen Snider and Shirase.

"This time we really want to focus on testing the network match function around the world, so everyone please participate and don't hesitate to give us your honest feedback," he noted.

Nashitani also explained the game's innovative Gougi system, as "it's grown into a very deep and exciting addition to the game. When the idea first came about, I brainstormed various Gougi, which combinations would work well, and what the matches would be like." It sounds like it's going to lean quite a bit on creating combos and other techniques, which sounds awesome. "Coming up with new ideas and experimenting in game was awesome. I believe not many games allow you to so easily brainstorm ideas and then test them out in-game; please try it!"

Fighting EX Layer will debut on PlayStation 4 early next year.