Square Enix Issues Statement on Final Fantasy 14 Network Issues

It seems that a number of Final Fantasy XIV players have been experiencing lag and connection issues related to the game since the release of update 6.1. At this time, this specific issue seems to be impacting players in Japan, but producer and director Naoki Yoshida has released a new blog post about the issue, in an effort to help players around the world that might be impacted. According to Yoshida, there are no issues with the development server, so it seems the problem could be related to packet loss. Yoshida has requested players submit information to Square Enix, so they can better understand the root of the problem.

"We are currently investigating the matter; however, we have not detected any issues on the development server. Based on the information that most of the recent reports are specifically coming from Japan, while others are playing without issue, the network-related issues may be due to the network routing," writes Yoshida. "In the past month, some of the internet service providers (ISP) in Japan have been reporting issues due to high network concentration or trouble related to construction. That said, it may still be possible for us to contact the ISP and work together to see if we can resolve the issues."

Yoshida's statement has already led to some frustration from Final Fantasy XIV players. Some fans feel that Square Enix is only taking these connection issues seriously now that players in Japan are having issues. The statement specifically references the problem occurring in Japan, but players in other regions have been complaining about these issues for quite a bit longer. It's easy to see how that could be frustrating, but hopefully this means that Square Enix will make these fixes a bigger priority, so players around the world can enjoy Final Fantasy XIV with minimal issues!

Final Fantasy XIV is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you been enjoying Final Fantasy XIV? Do you have frequent lag and connection issues? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!