Phil Spencer Still Wants Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox

While Xbox users can play a hefty number of titles in the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XIV remains exclusive to PlayStation and PC. Xbox boss Phil Spencer noted in 2019 that he wanted to see the MMO arrive on Xbox, but nothing has changed after nearly three years. Luckily, it seems Spencer has not forgotten his earlier comments. Japanese outlet Game Watch recently asked Spencer about the possibility of Final Fantasy XIV finally coming to Xbox. While Spencer did not offer anything concrete, he did provide a little hope for those that still want to see it happen.

"We certainly announced that (laughs). Naturally, we haven't given up yet. This is a commitment from both Microsoft and Square Enix to gamers and we will continue to coordinate our efforts," Spencer told Game Watch.

Final Fantasy XIV has been around for quite some time, but the game saw a huge uptick in interest over the last year, thanks in part to high-profile streamers on Twitch. For a little while, interest actually got to be too much for Square Enix to handle, forcing the publisher to put a temporary halt on new sales for the game. Things have cooled down a bit since then, but an Xbox port could certainly result in a lot more players checking the game out.

Earlier this year, Square Enix laid out a 10-year roadmap for Final Fantasy XIV, so the company has no plans to stop supporting it anytime soon. Of course, that roadmap did not include any plans for Xbox, but that could certainly change at some point. For now, Xbox fans will just have to wait and see if the situation changes, and if Spencer and Square Enix can find some way to make it happen. Until then, Final Fantasy XIV is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC, and readers can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Are you an Xbox fan hoping for a Final Fantasy XIV port? Do you think the game will ever arrive on Microsoft's platform? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Video Games Chronicle]