Final Fantasy Insider Teases Return of PSP Game

A notable video game industry insider seems to be teasing that a popular PSP game from Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII series could soon be getting remastered for new platforms. As of tomorrow, June 16th, Square is planning to hold a new presentation dedicated entirely to Final Fantasy VII. And while we don't currently know what might be announced at this event, one reputable leaker may have just given us a good idea. 

Based on a new tweet from an anonymous video game industry insider that simply goes by "The Snitch," Square Enix might be planning to bring back Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII to new platforms. For those unaware, Crisis Core is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII that centers around a character named Zack. Although this insider in question didn't say anything specific about Crisis Core getting remastered, they did share an image of Zack from Final Fantasy VII Remake along with colored squares that seem to represent PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC platforms. As such, the conclusion that many fans drew was that a new iteration of Crisis Core could be unveiled in the near future. 

One major reason why Square Enix could be looking to remaster Crisis Core at this time is because the game is clearly going to have something to do with Final Fantasy VII Remake and its upcoming sequels. As mentioned, Zack ends up appearing at the conclusion of FFVII Remake, which implies that the events from Crisis Core are going to be quite important to the story in the future. However, Crisis Core itself was only ever released on Sony's PSP handheld back in 2008, which means it's incredibly hard to access nowadays. For Square Enix to bring the game back would unshackle it from the confines of the PSP and would make it more accessible than ever before. 

Again, it's worth stressing that this is all just a rumor at best, so take everything that has been outlined here with a grain of salt. Although this insider has been very credible in the past, it's hard to know if what they're teasing here is absolutely related to a remaster of Crisis Core. Either way, we should learn more officially from Square Enix in the coming day. 

How would you feel about seeing Square Enix bring back Crisis Core for modern consoles? Is this something that would excite you? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.