Fortnite: New Rift Appears In Tomato Town

Earlier this week we revealed a leak that Fortnite players found hidden away in the game's files [...]

Earlier this week we revealed a leak that Fortnite players found hidden away in the game's files that suggested a big event on the horizon spawned by the big rift in the sky's permanent closure. Allegedly the event will take place on August 21st if true, and now it looks like we may be seeing the start of what's to come with the appearance of a brand new opening in our beloved Tomato Town.

The rifts that closed out Fortnite Season 4 and rung in Season 5 were arguably one of the coolest things to happen to the online game since launch. With events affecting both the game and players in real life, it was a monumental occasion to say the least. But just because Season 5 is in full swing doesn't mean the business with this mysterious phenomenon is over. According to our friends over at Fornite Master, we've got our first look at the brand new rift that could mean the return of Tomato Head!

Our beloved tomato-y mascot was taken from us before season 5 kicked off. It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, but for Tomato Head, we tried to be strong. There was even a memorial for our saucey friend:

"As we all know, the great big Tomatohead has caught the blue aura. Tomorrow, at 3PM EST [July 4th], he is very likely to disappear," Redditor HostageFuzer said in an older Reddit post. "To honor our big brother, I'd like to ask all of the members of the Tomatohead Brotherhood to have a goodbye ceremony tomorrow. If you'd like to participate, please queue up in Oceania solo servers at 2:55PM EST July 3rd (Convert for your timezone) and land Tomato Town. Please wear Tomatohead to show you're part of the Brotherhood. Non-members are welcomed, too."

Now it looks like we'll be throwing a "welcome home" event instead!

According to the earlier leak, the rift is determined to disappear on August 21st. We've even got a picture of what it will allegedly look like before it's gone from our hearts, and our game, forever:

One user did bring up a good point though about the Portals. The Portals were a result of the big rift in the sky and they are vital to the weekly Battle Pass challenges. It will be interesting to see how the disappearance affects aspects like that in the game, but for now - we can just speculate.

Of course nothing has been officially announced by the dev team over at Epic Games, as per usual. They love to watch the world burn as their fans try to figure out the puzzle themselves before the big reveal. Still, since we are only half-way through Season 5, this boasts well for that grand finale!

What do you think the big event will be? Or will it be a quite closure and farewell? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below with your best theories!