Golf Caddie Gets Incredible PlayStation Care Package After Being Hit by Golf Ball

A golf caddie who was working the 2019 Sony Open in Hawaii got pelted by a stray golf ball and was [...]

A golf caddie who was working the 2019 Sony Open in Hawaii got pelted by a stray golf ball and was left with quite the injury, but the golfer responsible for the incident made up for it with an incredible PlayStation care package.

In a three-part story that started with working at the event and ended with an impressive collection of games and products, the Redditor by the username of shakasandchakras was working as a caddie during the golfing event, a job they posted about weeks ago ahead of the Sony Open. Just three days after that initial post, the same user shared an image of themselves (that might be a bit much for the squeamish) in a hospital with a gash on their forehead that they received after a golf ball was hit off-course. The caddie wasn't even on the course when it happened and had to get around 22 stitches after they were hit.

Fast-forward a few weeks and the user returned with not only images of the scar they were left with but also a care package received from the golfer behind the stray ball. The golfer works for Sony, the user's latest post said, and sent the caddie a PlayStation gift set that's easily worth several hundred dollars. The image below which was shared in the new post showed a PlayStation 4 Pro with a controller and headset alongside some of the console's biggest exclusives like Marvel's Spider-Man and Horizon: Zero Dawn.

[Image] got hit with a golf ball, guy that hit me works for Sony. He sent me this care package from r/PS4

The user also found out how the incident happened and said the ball bounced off the bathroom before ricocheting into their forehead. Replying to comments within the thread from other users who asked about the incident, the recipient of the care package said they also received a hand-written letter from the golfer who apologized for the event and said they hoped the care package brought some joy to the volunteer. Some joked that this care package was the employee trying to guarantee that they wouldn't get sued because of the incident, but the person who was hit by the ball said they signed waivers before the event which meant that the care package was just an expression of good will and an apology.