Halo Infinite Is Changing Controversial Armor System

Halo Infinite will move away from its armor core system which governed what customizations could be equipped to different armor bases, developer 343 Industries said this week. The change was announced during a recent livestream wherein the developers gave a preview of what's to come in Season 2. Through this change, players will be able to use different coatings and other customization pieces across different cores without one being locked to an armor set, but 343 said this will be a gradual change that won't be fully implemented right at the start of Season 2.

Jerry Hook, the head of design on Halo Infinite, talked about the plans for the game's core system in Season 2 in the video below. Hook acknowledged that Halo Infinite had missed the mark on capturing the strength of mix-and-match customizations found in games like Halo 3 and Halo: Reach before laying out the plans for the next season.

"So if you didn't catch our blog last time, we are looking to move away from the core system, and what that means for Season 2 is you'll start seeing specifically what I call 'in-canon cores'" Hook said. "So, that means your SPARTAN V to VII, you know, whatever we're doing for Infinite on a canon perspective."

Hook continued to say that the goal was to make these customizations more versatile regardless of the armor core used.

"So, if you earn a coating, it's usable across all of those cores, or if you earn a shoulder piece, it's usable across all of those cores," Hook said. "And our focus for Season 2 – not from day one but as we move through Season 2 – is that your visors, your helmets, your coatings, those will be the first things that we go after, and then we'll slowly [be] trying to move everything to be more ubiquitous."

The focus initially will also be on the "canon cores" Hook mentioned before, so not the fracture cores given that they boast "fundamentally different structures."

Halo Infinite's Season 2 will begin on May 3rd, so look for these changes and more to be implemented then.