League of Legends Champion Designer Hints at Female Champion's Update

A Riot Games employee recently tweeted about his plans for League of Legends in 2018, plans that [...]

League of Legends Jinx Vi
(Photo: Riot Games)

A Riot Games employee recently tweeted about his plans for League of Legends in 2018, plans that include a Visual Gameplay Update for an unnamed female champion.

Riot August, one of the champion designers who's responsible for several of League's most interesting champions, is the Rioter in question who tweeted just before the new year began about his upcoming work. Starting by thanking everyone for supporting the game, he closed his tweet with a comment about "trying something new" with an upcoming VGU.

There are a couple of champions that are already on the schedule for various reworks, but the "she" part of Riot August's tweet helps narrow down the possibilities. Several players who replied to the comment asked if this meant that Riot August would be working on the VGU for Irelia, but it's already been said in the past that Riot Solcrushed would be the one working on that update. Riot August could be indicating that he has a hand in Irelia's update, but with another Rioter leading that project, it's more likely that another female champion is being reworked and hasn't been announced yet.

Looking at his track record for champions, Riot August has quite a few accomplishments in his portfolio. He's the designer responsible for creating Jinx, Vi, Gnar, Ekko, and Jhin. One of the common suggestions from players within the replies to Riot August's tweet mentioned Akali as a candidate for a VGU, but options like Kayle and Morgana also made several appearances as well.

But as far as the champions that are already confirmed for reworks, the update schedule currently lists just three champions: Swain, Irelia, and Aatrox. Both Swain and Irelia are scheduled to receive a VGU while Aatrox's update is purely focused on his gameplay alone.