
League of Legends October Sales Schedule

League of Legends players should probably go ahead and desensitize themselves to the sound in the […]

League of Legends players should probably go ahead and desensitize themselves to the sound in the video above, because after the reveal of October sales schedule, that’s the only sound that players will be hearing soon.

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Like other months, the list of champions and skins that has been provided before the start of October doesn’t contain exact dates for when these items will go on sale. Rather, it gives players a preview of what to expect in the upcoming month so that they can plan out their RP accordingly for whenever their favorite champion or skin goes on sale.

From Bloodmoon to Battlecast and Anivia to Ziggs, the upcoming sales in October offer a ton of different options across every role. No matter what your champion pool looks like, there’s bound to be something in the next month’s discounts that players will find appealing.

The Early Sales that will come next month also include some skins that have become quite popular recently, the toy-themed cosmetics for Alistar, Renekton, Kog’Maw, and Kennen. This will be the first time that these skins have been discounted since their release, so be sure not to pass them up.

Below are all of the skins and champions that will be on sale sometime during October alongside their RP prices.

ChampionSale PriceSkinSale Price
Anivia395Academy Vladimir375
Aurelion Sol487Battlecast Kog’Maw675
Braum487Black Scourge Singed375
Cassiopeia440Blood Moon Akali487
Corki395Blood Moon Kennen487
Ezreal440Blood Moon Yasuo487
Gragas395Blood Moon Zilean487
Graves440Bloodfury Renekton487
Hecarim440Cursed Revenant Nocturne375
Heimerdinger395Definitely Not Udyr487
Illaoi487Desperada Cassiopeia260
Irelia440El Leรณn Gnar375
Ivern487El Macho Mundo675
Jhin487El Rayo Volibear375
Kennen440Freljord Rammus260
Kindred487Freljord Taliyah675
Kled487French Maid Nidalee260
LeBlanc395Pentakill Yorick487
Lucian487Gothic Orianna260
Maokai440Hired Gun Graves260
Nautilus440Abyssal Nautilus487
Nidalee395Ironside Malphite487
Olaf395Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate260
Rek’Sai487Junkyard Trundle375
Shaco395Justicar Syndra487
Shen395Loch Ness Cho’Gath260
Sona395Mad Hatter Shaco260
Tahm Kench487Panda Teemo487
Taliyah487Risen Fiddlesticks675
Talon440Royal Guard Fiora260
Thresh487Sandstorm Ekko487
Twitch395Shockblade Zed487
Urgot395Special Weapon Zac487
Varus440Super Galaxy Shyvana675
Vladimir440Urf Kench375
Ziggs440Wicked Lulu487
SkinPriceSale Price
Moo Cow Alistar975750
Super Kennen750520


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