League of Legends Patch 8.2 May Include Ornn Nerfs, Rune Changes

The patch after next for League of Legends already has quite a few changes planned that include [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

The patch after next for League of Legends already has quite a few changes planned that include nerfs to several dominant champions and further rune changes.

While 8.1 is the next patch that League will receive and is the first of the new year, much of what'll be included in that patch has already been set in stone since December. Changes were being tested on the PBE prior to the holidays, and while there may be a few last-minute changes being pushed for the patch, much of what's going to be included is already there.

Patch 8.2, on the other hand, is still being worked on internally and hasn't hit the PBE yet, but some of the potential changes were previewed in a recent Gameplay Thoughts post. While the list isn't a complete account of everything that'll be included, it does include several notable changes that players have either been requesting or expecting.


  • Further Klepto work, likely reducing the differences between best and worst case users (nerf the strongest/buff the weakest).
  • Manaflow Band nerf (still reducing need to manage mana too much)


  • Runic Echoes Buff (help AP junglers overall)
  • Assessment of Relic Shield line on non supports (appropriate or abusive?)

Champion Nerfs:

  • Vayne
  • Ezreal (if Klepto changes don't look like enough)
  • Ornn
  • Kha'Zix
  • Malz
  • Zoe (if not nerfing in 8.1 as above, follow up assessment if 8.1 nerfs happen)
  • Blitzcrank

Champion Buffs:

  • Nunu
  • Viktor

Riot Meddler expanded on the list that he posted while saying that some other champions who weren't included above may still have work done soon, Tryndamere, Master Yi, and Fiddlesticks being some likely candidates.

"We've also got a range of champs we'd like to get to soon but who didn't make the initial cut for our 8.2 planning. They're probable candidates for 8.3 or 8.4, though it's possible some slip into 8.2 still. Trynd and Yi buffs are in that category, as is a Fiddle buff unless the Runic Echoes change helps him enough. We talked about Syndra as well as a possible buff candidate for 8.2, she's got a lot of bug fixes in 8.1 though, some of which are likely to add some power to her, so we'll see where she's at after those."

Patch 8.1 should be releasing quite soon, so look for the PBE changes in Patch 8.2 to join the PBE cycle soon after.