New Overwatch Event Possibly Teased With Storm Rising Lore Video

Overwatch players have been taking to the game's latest Archives event recently, tracking down [...]

Overwatch players have been taking to the game's latest Archives event recently, tracking down Maximilien to ensure he is taken in for interrogation. The reason for the mission by the Overwatch squad, of course, is to ultimately get hands on Doomfist by having Maximilien set up a meeting between them. A recent log revealed by the Overwatch Twitter account, however, not only points to what happens after Storm Rising concludes, but it may also be teasing another event that could be inbound for the popular shooter.

The log in question is a decrypted file from the interrogation between Overwatch members and Maximilien. During this, the Talon affiliate mentions how Doomfist will be in Singapore in three weeks, which is likely where the operatives of Overwatch found him in his Origins animation that was released upon his arrival in-game.

Is there something more to this video than just filling in a gap in the game's lore? Could there be a follow-up event to Storm Rising that will arrive after its May 6th conclusion? Is it possible that Blizzard could be adding another piece to the current event that sees the team of Mercy, Tracer, Genji, and Winston take on Doomfist? Then again, it could be a setup for the next Archives event, which could possibly focus on Talon and its operatives, especially now that Baptiste is in the game. We'll just have to wait until Blizzard reveals more.

Overwatch is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The latest Archives event Storm Rising is currently going on and will remain in effect until May 6th, which is when all of the event-specific skins and whatnot will be locked away once more.

What do you think about all of this? Do you believe Blizzard is teasing another event with the recent Overwatch lore video? If it is a tease, what do you think the devs are actually teasing? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!


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