Overwatch 2 Update Delayed Right Before Release

Overwatch 2 players expecting an update with balance changes to release on Tuesday got bad news instead after Blizzard announced that it'd be forced to delay that patch. The update in question was meant to bring about changes needed for the game's biggest outliers like D.Va, Genji, and Zarya, and for Mei players, it was the one that was supposed to defrost the removed Legend and bring her back to the game by fixing some bugs. With the patch now delayed, Blizzard has not yet given an updated timeline regarding when it'll be back on track.

A post in the game's forums from community manager Craig confirmed the delay of the update while the team works to "resolve a critical issue." We'll get an update on the new release timing for the patch when that's available, the post said, but for now, there's no telling when the update will be out.

"This includes the upcoming balance changes, bug fixes, including those that affect Mei, and core content updates we have planned for this patch," the post explained. "This delay also impacts the delivery of Overwatch League Viewership Incentives & Perks from the Postseason matches during the period between Oct 30 – Nov 4, along with the rotation of cosmetics in the Overwatch League shop."

This update was one that players were looking forward to (even if they weren't keen on Mei returning) given that Blizzard first said balance adjustments wouldn't come to Overwatch 2 until Season 2 which seemed like a long way off given gripes with the current meta were already forming. This update is the one that players were counting on to offer a reprieve from some of those grievances.

The goods news is that it's still on the way, just not that the expected time. Blizzard should offer another update on the status of this patch through the forums or the Twitter account referenced above once that info is available, so expect to see something shared in the coming days or weeks.