'Overwatch' Fan Video Shows B.O.B Just Doin' His Best With Every Hero's Highlight Intro

The team behind Overwatch unveiled their newest hero during BlizzCon 2018 and though players [...]

The team behind Overwatch unveiled their newest hero during BlizzCon 2018 and though players instantly fell in love with Ashe, let's be real - it was the mustache'd robot B.O.B that stole the show. One fan took that mustachio'd love to a whole new level with this awesome video compilation of B.O.B just doing his best with every hero highlight intro.

Each hero in Overwatch's roster has a unique highlight intro when they do something particularly badass during a match. Whether it's the perfect Ult execution, or an impressive healing moves (hello, glorious Lucio boop), players have a chance to shine in the spotlight with their main. This particular player decided though that Ashe's ultimate, a massive mustache'd omnic named B.O.B., deserved his own 15 seconds of fame and did just that with a pretty darn impressive fan-made highlight video.

Personally, he pulls off a Zenyatta move quite well for someone so massive.

B.O.B has been an incredible addition to the game since he first made his grand debut during BlizzCon 2018. We even had a chance to sit down with Overwatch lead writer Michael Chu during the celebration to talk about B.O.B following the immediate fan reaction towards the latest addition. Chu mentioned that they had been tinkering with his idea for awhile but it quickly became apparent that he needed to be in the game in a more official capacity the longer the team deliberated about him.

Chu mentioned that B.O.B quickly became "an essential part of the fantasy of the character" and because of that, the creative team went "above and beyond" to make him a doable reality for the FPS experience.

It was important to make him stand on his own though and not just be a random addition, which makes his purpose as Ashe's Ultimate attack even better. The best part is though he is part of another hero, he easily has his own personality and offers something special to each match.

You can read more about the inspiration behind her and B.O.B with our previous coverage right here. As for the game itself, Overwatch is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Thoughts on B.O.B and his glorious intro re-enactments? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!