PlayStation Classic Early Reactions Are Less Than Enthusiastic

In less than a month’s time, gamers will be able to get their hands on the PlayStation Classic, [...]

In less than a month's time, gamers will be able to get their hands on the PlayStation Classic, an all-in-one system that features some of the console's best games in one convenient place, going for $99. However, some early hands-on impressions of the system have left users wanting more -- and it's not necessarily about the game selection.


Twitter user Satomii posted a tweet talking about a number of complaints with the system, including its "barebone UI," along with "no features of personality, one save file per game, games coming up as different region versions" and more. They noted that "it just sounds like a hot mess." You can catch a glimpse of its menu below.

Kotaku was a little bit kinder with its impressions, noting that the system plays fine, but is surprisingly bare-bones with presentation. Said Chris Kohler, "'Bare-bones' is probably the most accurate summation I can give of the PlayStation Classic so far. There are no special screen borders or graphic display options. There's a QR code that will load up manuals on the PlayStation website, but it wasn't functional during the preview event. There's a screensaver option that will dim the screen after a few minutes. Even the game selection menu itself is strictly utilitarian; there's no nostalgic theme song or other cute additions."

Eurogamer considers the system "underwhelming" thus far. "The result, though, is that next to the stellar line-ups of the NES Classic and SNES Classic, it all feels underwhelming, and not exactly representative of the original PlayStation in its prime. This is, at best, a functional take on the mini-console phenomenon, and a cute stocking filler for the coming Christmas period - even if the price doesn't quite reflect that. It most certainly is not a decent emulator, and far from the best way to play this (limited) selection of games."

And IGN said that the system may be fun, but it also feels "incomplete." The writer noted that "your enjoyment of those trips down nostalgia lane will define whether the PlayStation Classic holds your attention for more than a couple hours. I undoubtedly had my fun with a few entries, and could certainly see myself being sucked back into more of Midgar or Snake's exploits. The list isn't packed with heavy hitters, though, and knowing what defined the console but didn't end up being included, along with the lack of nostalgic bells and whistles, can make even those great aspects of the PlayStation Classic feel like part of an incomplete whole."

Some may get enjoyment out of the system compared to others, but it sounds like early players weren't too thrilled with certain games in the collection (Rainbow Six stuck out like a sore thumb with its clunky gameplay), and its barely-there presentation doesn't impress too much.

Still, the system should be a big seller this holiday season based on nostalgia alone. You can pick up your PlayStation Classic starting December 3 for $99.99.