PlayStation Store on PS5 Adds Helpful New Feature

The PlayStation Store on PlayStation 5 has received a surprising new update that many owners of the next-gen console may not have noticed. Although this update isn't a massive one by any means, it does bring about a new feature that will make it all the easier to purchase games through the storefront, especially for titles that have just launched. 

Pointed out by PlayStation's Shuhei Yoshida recently, the PlayStation Store on PS5 recently added a small new submenu that appears at the top of the storefront. This new tab is specifically assigned for "New Games" and gives customers a better idea of the latest titles that have come to PlayStation. In a general sense, this is something that a number of PlayStation fans have been requesting since the PS5 first launched last year, primarily because the PlayStation Store wasn't very streamlined in this manner. Luckily, Sony seems to have now listened to those criticisms and has looked to rectify the problem by now more clearly labeling the latest releases on the platform.

It's worth stressing that if you're someone who might still only have a PlayStation 4, then this tweak to the PlayStation Store won't apply to you. And that's not because Sony isn't still looking to provide routine updates to the storefront on PS4, it's because the version of the marketplace that is seen on PS5 is intrinsically different in a number of ways. 

While this new update to the PlayStation Store on PS5 is a nice step forward, there are surely still a number of different upgrades that Sony could continue to add over time. And even though no such future updates have been announced just yet, this small change seems to suggest that we could be seeing more alterations come about quite soon.

What do you think about this new feature finally coming to the PlayStation Store on PS5? And are you hoping that Sony continues to add new tweaks like this in the future? Share your thoughts with me either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

[H/T GR]