Police On The Lookout For A Thief That Stole $300 Worth Of Pokemon Cards

We’ve heard about bizarre crimes before, but someone has actually gone out of their way to do [...]

Pokemon Cards

We've heard about bizarre crimes before, but someone has actually gone out of their way to do some shoplifting at a local store for…Pokemon cards. We wish we were kidding.

Per this report from Cleveland 19, the Mentor police department is looking for a man that managed to make off with $300 worth of Pokemon cards last night.

According to this Facebook post, the man walked into the store around 1:30 AM, and the suspect apparently helped himself to the majority of cards, before walking back out of the store.

We particularly love how the police started off the post, "Pokemon thief – can you help 'catch him?'" Check out the full post below, featuring photos of the suspect.

The police noted that he drove in a smaller light colored SUV, and anyone that has any tips on who he is can contact at the number above.

See, the ironic thing is this guy who stole the cards probably won't end up with any of the Pokemon he wanted and try to hit somewhere else. At least, that's what we're thinking around here.