Pro 'League of Legends' Wins With a Quick Backdoor Play

Professional League of Legends team Vitality secured a backdoor victory during their match against [...]

Professional League of Legends team Vitality secured a backdoor victory during their match against Rogue where the team's mid laner pushed right into the enemy base while his teammates kept their opponents busy.

With the LEC team Rogue powered up by the Baron Buff, the group pushed into Vitality's base to take down an inhibitor turret before moving onto the inhibitor itself. Most members of Vitality were there in the base to prevent the siege from getting much further, but it was Vitality's Daniele "Jiizuke" di Mauro Ryze who was working his way into the Rogue base and made them second-guess the siege.

By the time they'd backed off though, their indecisiveness cost them the match. Jizuke matched Rogue's inhibitor takedown with his own before continuing into their base. Rogue tried to back up enough to use the Baron Buff-empowered recall to head back to their Nexus and defend, but Vitality's Jakub "Jactroll" Skurzyński had more than enough crowd control and durability on his Alistar to keep them from doing so. After reengaging on the enemies and keeping four of them preoccupied while also breaking a teleport channel, Vitality was able to send two more players down to the enemy Nexus by teleporting across the map to finish the job.

It was a quick end to a game that was mostly in Rogue's favor up until that point. Rogue hadn't won a game yet in the LEC 2019 Spring Split but looked like it might secure its first here against Vitality with the Baron Buff seemingly having them poised to finish the match. Despite being down tremendously in kills, Vitality hung in by outfarming Rogue and taking more turrets and dragons to end up with a slight gold lead despite what the kills feed showed.

For anyone who's been a fan of Vitality, you'll know this isn't the first time the team has pulled off a move like this, so it shouldn't be wholly unexpected that they continued pushing into the base to win. They did the same several months ago with Jizuke's Ekko taking on Gen.G's base in a similar scenario.

The LEC 2019 Spring Split continues next week with Misfits and Schalke 04 kicking off the first game on February 8th.