The developers behind the Project Rap Rabbit Kickstarter campaign (found here) have huge news for Nintendo Switch owners today. Previously, the stretch goal to get this new rhythm action game on the Switch was over $4M — almost four times the cost to get the game funded. After considerable backlash from fans of the project, the developers have re-assessed their stretch goals and updated us this morning with incredible tidings.
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“In our previous update we explained how we’ve listened to your overwhelming requests for a Nintendo Switch version of Project Rap Rabbit. Today, we’re proud to unveil our new plan to make this happen:
- Our first Stretch Goal for Project Rap Rabbit triggers a Nintendo Switch edition at $1,500,000.
- Our backers will help shape what future Stretch Goals we’ll feature in Project Rap Rabbit.
- Free digital soundtrack for all White-Label Edition (Digital) tiers and higher!
- A new early-bird digital tier!”
The update goes on to explain the process through which the development team arrived at their decision. We won’t post the entire explanation for the sake of brevity (full update here), suffice to say that we were truly impressed with their transparency. This is exactly how a Kickstarter should go, and this is exactly how we want developers to work with the communities that support them.
While we don’t have room to share the entire update, it’s summarized nicely in these two short paragraphs:
“First and foremost, there is no change to our initial game’s core funding plan. Our core target of $1.1 million to bring Project Rap Rabbit to PS4 and PC remains the same to fully preserve the sanctity of Project Rap Rabbit. The only differences come into play as we enter Stretch Goals.
Our original Nintendo Switch target was the cumulative total of development of all features across all platforms, with the additional cost of porting on top. Restructuring all our targets enabled us to recalculate the porting costs and internal resources needed to bring Project Rap Rabbit to Nintendo Switch for $1.5 million.”
Finally, it was revealed that if you back the project at the “White Label” level ($40) or higher, you’ll be able to select a digital copy of the game on any platform you want. This writer will definitely be grabbing a Switch version of the game, and we can’t wait to see some gameplay footage in the near future. We’ll keep you updated, so stay tuned to WWG!