PS5 and Xbox Scarlett Are Both "Very Powerful," According to New Leaked Details

According to a new report, both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett are 'very powerful,' which [...]

According to a new report, both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett are "very powerful," which perhaps suggests a premium price point. The report comes way of Kotaku reporter and scoopmaster Jason Schreier, who is widely considered one of most reliable sources in the industry. According to the journalist, he's heard "whispers" that both of the next-gen consolea from PlayStation and Xbox are very powerful. How powerful exactly, isn't divulged, though Schreier does emphasize "very," which does seem to suggest the consoles may be more powerful than current estimates.

Schreier also notes that for whatever reason, Microsoft is "well behind" Sony when it comes to communicating with third-party developers. This probably won't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's interesting to hear, and is something that other previous reports have echoed. This could lead to more PS5 games at launch than Xbox Scarlett games. It could also mean developers are getting more time with the next-gen PlayStation console in comparison to the next Xbox. For now though, this is nothing more than speculation.

Lastly, the Kotaku reporter notes that Sony is really going all in on being accessible as possible, which is why it's been beating the "no load times" drum. In other words, perhaps except some additional accessibility features from the PS5 that are similar or push accessibility like no load times. Of course, no load times itself is something many are skeptical about. It's unlikely this means games won't have load times at all, but rather booting up games will be drastically reduced or erased all together, and maybe first-party games from Sony itself will have minimal to no loading times. Again, for now, all we can really do is speculate.

Of course, all of this information should be taken with a grain of salt, like any unofficial report. In fact, even if everything here is correct, it's also all subject to change as well.