'Red Dead Redemption 2' Players Can Fall Off the Map's Edge

Red Dead Redemption 2 players have found that it is possible to reach the end of the map, and [...]

Red Dead Redemption 2 players have found that it is possible to reach the end of the map, and it's even possible to fall right off it once it's reached.

The whole world of Red Dead Redemption 2 features different settings and biomes for players to explore ranging from swampy bayous to green grasslands, but one player's experience at took them away from all that and right underneath the ground. Sharing a post on Reddit that showed Arthur Morgan sprinting towards what's a clear barrier between the game's map and an unrefined section of the game. An out-of-bounds barrier created a definitive line between the two sections and looked like it should've doubled as an invisible wall, but the player ran right through it and took a nosedive downward as Arthur tumbled underneath the map with the typical fall animation.

It's a sight that not many players will get to see without some extra effort on their part since the game actually does have more natural barriers preventing explorers from reaching going out of bounds. Commenting within the post, the user who shared the gif initially responded to another user's question about how they reached the area by saying "I got past the barrier above Cholla Springs and ran north for about 10 minutes."

The Cholla Springs area is located in the northern part of New Austin for those who are interested in trying to wiggle their way out of the game's natural boundaries, though it's unclear if there are any in-game consequences or issues that could present themselves by taking a dip off the edge of the map. The worst case scenario is likely just dying and losing some money or having to reload a save point and lose a few minutes of progress. There's a chance that the game could autosave while you're traveling there though, so a backup save would be recommended.

The edge of the map isn't the only unusual place that players have reached either with another user saying that they glitched themselves into a restricted part of the map. Plenty of people were wondering whether Mexico would be an area of the map that could be visited, and one player found that they could go there and see some parts of the setting that'll look familiar to those who played the first Red Dead Redemption.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is now available for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.