Rockstar Addresses 'Red Dead Online' Issues, New Updates Planned for This Week

Rockstar Games has shared an update on Red Dead Redemption 2’s online component, Red Dead [...]

Rockstar Games has shared an update on Red Dead Redemption 2's online component, Red Dead Online, and addressed problems players have including issues with the game's economy.

Addressing Red Dead Online players on Monday after the online beta has been live for nearly a week, Rockstar Games tweeted to give a status update for Red Dead Online. This isn't an actual game update with new changes implemented but was more of an acknowledgement of players' feedback so far since the beta went live last week and was eventually made available for all Red Dead Redemption 2 players after a staggered release.

Thanking Red Dead Online players for participating in the beta, Rockstar Games mentioned some of the specific areas it's focused on.

"Our current areas of focus include the in-game economy, which will require some additional balancing in order to ensure all activities are appropriately rewarding and fun, as well as some persistent bugs that are causing some players to be kicked from sessions," Rockstar Games said. "The game has been developed so that we will be able to quickly make adjustments like these, and we plan to get updates out as early as the end of this week with more updates to come next week."

Some of the discussions about Red Dead Online so far have lamented the fact that the game's economy makes players grind for their money by completing tasks and missions that, while enjoyable, don't pay out quite enough to keep up with the high cost of items. Weapons and other items cost much more in Red Dead Online than they do in Red Dead Redemption 2's story mode, so players will find themselves spending more time earning money in the online component before they're able to cash in on a new horse or firearm. One of the most commonly cited complaints about the game's economy that alludes to larger issues emerged when players pointed out that a can of baked beans could be sold for more than a gold ring, even if the difference was a slight one.

Red Dead Online hasn't fully released yet though since what's playable now is just a beta, so some degree of change was always expected between now and the full product release. Rockstar Games didn't give a firm release date for the updates beyond the end of this week with more following in the next week, but similar updates like the one included in the tweet above should keep players informed on the changes Rockstar Games plans to make.