Resident Evil veteran Chris Redfield is back and ready for action as the Not a Hero DLC for RE7 has officially launched its first official gameplay trailer. Now players can take on evil in the boots of Redfield himself in the latest video, which can be seen below:
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The official DLC drops this December and will shift direction a little bit from the main narrative of the base game. Ethan Winters did well, be he’s no Chris Redfield. In the latest trailer, Redfield once again proves just how capable he is once back into the fray. As he dives in head first into the hordes of the Molded, players will get a chance to relive that of an old fan favourite.
Not a Hero is more intense than the main storyline, with a heavy focus on action and combat versus a drawn out narrative. An exciting thing to note in the gameplay trailer, especially for those familiar with the series, is the epic comeback of the melee finisher. With this move returning, close quarters combat becomes more immersive and a lot more fun.
There is another expansion on the way, though many were disappointed to find out that it is not included in the Season Pass. End of Zoe is another DLC that is still on the way but much be purchased individually, despite an all inclusive Pass that was available. For those looking forward to Not a Hero, this expansion will be a free for Resident Evil 7 players.
Resident Evil 7 is currently available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players, with Not a Hero officially going live on December 12th for the same platforms.
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