The father of a Rocket League tournament player might not have brought a win home for him and his son, but he certainly won over the hearts of many viewers who saw him step up to take part in his son’s pastime.
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During a Rocket League 2v2 tournament that’s being hosted by NBC this weekend, one player by the name of Josh “JumpOnStuff” Russo was ready to make his mark on the game at a national level by taking on other duos with his teammate. After Russo’s partner wasn’t able to be at the competition, the player had another trick up his sleeve when he announced that his dad would be a surprise substitute and that they’d still be giving it their all in the tournament.
As touching as the story is, you can probably guess how the tournament went for the father-son duo. They didn’t win their matches since Dad was doing his best to simply learn the controls for Rocket League. He gave it his all though, and the duo played through two games in the best-of-three format.
Within the last 30 seconds of the second decisive match where the opposing team was leading 4-0, Dad, playing under the name of Actually Toxic despite looking anything but, even got to take a shot at the goal with some help from his son and their opponents. In the clip below, you can see Dad carefully lining up his shot before nailing that sweet backwards goal.
With cheers of encouragement from the casters and others, the resulting fist bump between the Russo and Dad after he scored his first Rocket League goal was definitely enough to make the tournament worthwhile, even if it resulted in a loss.
Following the match, the son tweeted about the experience with his father, saying that he was a “frickin legend” and thanking everyone else who was involved in the match for being good sports. In a post-game interview, Dad was still the star of the show. When he was asked about his thoughts on the tournament, he responded that it “was one of the best father-son experiences” that he’s ever had.
[via Kotaku]