'Rogue One' Writer Rips Into EA Over Cancelled 'Star Wars' Game, "It Would Have Been 'Star Wars' Uncharted"

Earlier in the week, news broke that yet another Star Wars game has bit the dust and the reaction [...]

Earlier in the week, news broke that yet another Star Wars game has bit the dust and the reaction to EA's cancellation immediately stirred up community ire among gamers. While EA issued a weirdly evasive statement to the recent reports, Rogue One writer Gary Whitta didn't mince words when he ripped the publisher a new one.

Whitta recently sat down with Kinda Funny Games to talk about a variety of topics -- including that of the cancelled Star Wars title. When asked about his thoughts on the matter, Whitta responded "It has been catastrophically mismanaged. If I were Disney, I'd be fucking furious. I saw a bunch of that game, and it looked terrific. It would have been Star Wars Uncharted."

Kotaku's Jason Schreier was the one to break the news of possible cancellation to the world and now two more anonymous sources have come forward to paint a picture of what was originally supposed to go down. According to his most recent update, the open-world game was supposed to have various planets that players could explore to their heart's content. It would feature both new and old characters from the franchise while offering fans a chance to take on the role of a bounty hunter while they traverse the galaxy with an adventurous spirit at the forefront.

Codenamed Orca, the open-world title was originally intended to be very diverse in the zones that players could explore. Balancing that edge of both new and familiar, becoming a bounty hunter provided a grey area for fans to explore. As far as what the actual storyline would be is still a mystery, but our own source tells us that the name of the game was to give players total freedom when it came to a beloved galaxy far, far away.

The news of the cancellation hit the community extremely hard giving the reason why it was in EA's hands to begin with. As we previously reported, the backlash was immediate last year when EA announced that they had abruptly shut the doors forever on Visceral Games - the original team working on the open-world Star Wars game - and handed it off over to their EA Vancouver studio. The announcement came during a time when blood was still hot over how EA handled Star Wars Battlefront II, which led many gamers to not trust the new IP solely in their hands.

Needless to say, it sounded freaking awesome and Whitta is by far not the only one upset over the cancellation. But what about you? What are your thoughts on the game that has seemingly been left in the dust? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!