Classic Sega Dreamcast Game Series Discounted by 85%

One of the most classic franchises tied to Sega's dormant Dreamcast console has now been marked down by a staggering 85%. While the eventual failure of the Dreamcast marked the end of Sega's time as a console manufacturer, the platform still ended up seeing a number of popular games come about over its short lifespan. Titles like Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, and Soulcalibur have all stood the test of time and remain quite popular to this day in one way or another. And although none of these games in mention happen to be on sale, the series that has been marked down likely spins the best story that was ever seen on Dreamcast. 

Available via the PlayStation Store, Sega has now discounted its remastered collection of Shenmue and its sequel Shenmue II to only $4.49. As mentioned, this is an 85% sale compared to the title's normal price. Originally released in 1999, the original Shenmue immediately became one of the most popular games seen on the Sega Dreamcast and was very much ahead of its time. It went on to spawn a sequel with 2001's Shenmue II, which was also quite well received. Following these releases, the series was put on ice until this remastered collection containing both games was let loose by Sega in 2018. 

What's great about this promotion is that outside of Shenmue I & II, the third installment in the series, 2019's Shenmue III, also is on sale for a staggeringly-low price. Shenmue III is currently only $5.99, which is a discount of 80% from its standard value. And while Shenmue III obviously never released on Dreamcast, it still follows up the events that were seen in the initial two installments that came to the Sega platform. To be able to purchase the entire series on PlayStation for roughly $10 is a fantastic deal that isn't normally seen. 

"A tale of revenge. In 1986, teenage jujitsu artist Ryo Hazuki returns to the dojo of his father, Iwao Hazuki, only to witness his murder by a Chinese man, Lan Di," says Sega's official description of Shenmue I & II. "Lan Di steals a mysterious artifact known as the Dragon Mirror. Ryo vows to avenge his father's death and sets out tracing Lan Di's path."

Are you going to look to pick up Shenmue I & II (and perhaps Shenmue III) as part of this new sale on the PlayStation Store? And have you played this series before in the past? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12