Gaming-Based Charity 'Stack Up' Raises Awareness for Veteran Suicide and Prevention

Australian and New Zealand veterans through three primary programs: The Stacks, Supply Crates, [...]

(Photo: Stack Up)

As a veteran myself, seeing gamers come together to raise awareness for veteran suicide and prevention is heart warming and hits very close to home. That's just what this game-based charity does, while offering support through Discord for those that need a little guidance along the way.

The program is called Stack Up and it's military focused brings together those who have served their country, but still love to get down on some epic game-age. They've recently just announced renewed efforts with a new suicide prevention program called Stack Up Overwatch Program (or STOP) and the way it works is incredibly accessible. This new program allows both veterans and active duty personnel access to round-the-clock support from a team of trained professionals and volunteers, all available at all hours right here on their Discord.

A little more about Stack Up and their reach:

Founded in 2015, Stack-Up (TAX ID: 47-5424265) brings both veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video gaming. Stack-Up serves United States, NATO (UK, Canada, etc.) Australian and New Zealand veterans through three primary programs: The Stacks, Supply Crates, and Air Assaults.

A stack is a slang term for a formation used in military or law enforcement, when an assault team forms up single file along the entrance or doorway to a room where they believe a threat is located. For the charity, the stack represents a strong community of friends, family, brothers and sisters in arms, and supporters, all coming together for a common mission, and here, that's supporting veterans with video gaming.

Stack Up offers community, it offers shared passion, and it offers important resources. Veteran suicide is at an alarming high but that doesn't mean we're alone. To learn more, you can check out the official Stack website here to see how you can reach out and be a part of this welcoming community.