
Star Wars: Squadrons’ December 14 Update Is Now Live, Patch Notes Revealed

Earlier today, EA released a new update for Star Wars: Squadrons. What’s more, the update was […]

Earlier today, EA released a new update for Star Wars: Squadrons. What’s more, the update was released without any need for downtime, so fans won’t have to worry about losing out on access to online play! The publisher’s aerial dogfighting game now allows for custom matches, and has seen some adjustments to improve the balance; the latter comes in the form of changes to the damage that ships can dish out and take. For fans that have been playing Squadrons online, these changes will ideally make for a more enjoyable and competitive experience. Full patch notes from EA can be found embedded below.

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Along with some further tuning to matchmaking, we’ve made the following changes:

Starfighters & Components

  • Increased Y-wing Rotary Cannon damage by 13% (from 34 to 38.5 per shot)
  • Increased Y-wing Auto Rotary Cannon damage by 13% (From 17 to 19.25 per shot)
  • Reduced Movement Penalty on Y-wing and TIE bomber Rotary Cannons from -60% to -50%.
  • Reduced Rotary Cannon Wind-up from 1.7s to 1.4s
  • Reduced Burst Cannon Damage by 10% across the board
  • Reduced Rocket damage from 100 to 60, so total payload is now 2400 instead of 4000.
  • Reduced damage reductions for the A-wings Overload Shield (by 40% each) to 15% for primary weapons and 30% auxiliary reduction
  • Increased hull health of Flagships and Capital Ships by 11%
  • Increased TIE bomber health by 10%

Known Issues

  • Changes are not updating in Fleet Battles Solo vs AI (including Custom Matches), hangars, and Practice
  • Movement reduction penalty when using Rotary Cannons does not display on UI but does still take effect in-game.

Given the known issues that have not been resolved, it seems like fans can expect to see another update sometime in the near future. It will be interesting to see how these changes are met by the game’s community!

Star Wars: Squadrons puts players in the cockpit of ten different vehicles from the original Star Wars trilogy. The game launched with eight, but two more were added to the game yesterday, one for each faction: the B-Wing and the TIE Interceptor. The game’s single-player campaign takes place after Return of the Jedi, and the narrative bounces back-and-forth between pilots from the Republic, and from the Empire. EA has been adding a number of updates to the game since it released back in October, including the addition of content from The Mandalorian.

Star Wars: Squadrons is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you been enjoying Star Wars: Squadrons? What do you think of today’s changes? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!