Suicide Squad Game Reportedly Batman: Arkham Developer Rocksteady's Next Release

A new Suicide Squad game is reportedly in development at Rocksteady, the UK studio best known for [...]

A new Suicide Squad game is reportedly in development at Rocksteady, the UK studio best known for the Batman: Arkham series. The report comes way of Kinda Funny Games' Imran Khan, a former Game Informer Editor known to occasionally share some insider scoops. However, as Khan notes, he heard the studio was working on a Suicide Squad game a few years ago. Not only is this simply what he heard, but it's also subject to change. A lot can change in a few years.

Khan adds that he wouldn't be surprised if the game is a "games-as-a-service" title, in other words, a game that evolves over time through regular updates. Think of something like Fortnite or Destiny 2.

If any of this sounds familiar, it's because it largely echoes what we've heard in the past about Rocksteady's next project. While there's been conflicting reports between what property the studio is working on -- Justice League, Superman, Suicide Squad, and Red Hood have all been thrown around -- almost all of the rumors and reports have pointed to a "games-as-a-service" title, which would be a new endeavor for Rocksteady, but one in line with current industry trends.

Of course, everything here should be taken with a grain of salt. Not only are we dealing with possibly outdated information, but nothing here is official, and there's now numerous conflicting reports about just what exactly Rocksteady has been silently working on since 2015 when it released its most recent game: Batman: Arkham Knight.

That said, there's a good chance that if it's DC Comics-related, we will hear about on August 22 during the newly announced DC FanDome, a virtual event that will feature news, announcements, and reveals on DC-related content, including games.

As always, feel free to drop a comment or two or three letting us know what you think. What do you want to see from Rocksteady? Do you think we will see a Suicide Squad game or something else?