The Day Before Is Being Resold For Absurd Amounts of Money

The Day Before is being resold for hundreds of dollars.

The Day Before is being resold for a ton of money online right now. The Day Before is one of the biggest catastrophes in gaming this year after years of anticipation. The new game was hyped up as a big online-only survival game that looked like a hybrid between The Division and The Last of Us. Players would live in a big open world and do their best to survive against zombies as well as other players. They'd have the option to team up with them as well, but of course, in an online video game set in the apocalypse, trust is going to be hard to come by. Everything looked really exciting, but questions about the legitimacy of the footage that was released began to arise. The developer was unheard of and had never made anything on this scale before, leading fans to worry that this would not meet the standards Fntastic was setting. After legal problems, numerous delays, and more, The Day Before was finally released earlier this year.

The game got slammed by players, received 1 out of 10s from critics, and was mocked relentlessly for the fact that it was not anywhere near what was advertised. Instead of it being an open-world survival game, it was a boring, empty extraction shooter. Despite actually having a lot of players, The Day Before developer Fntastic announced just days after the game's release that it was closing down and that the game would subsequently be delisted. Refunds were issued, but many accused the game of being a scam given the short amount of time it was around for. Now, you can't buy the game through official means, but there are Steam keys supposedly floating around (though this is usually pretty shady) on unauthorized key reseller sites. These Steam keys are being sold for up to $400, which is hell of a lot more than the $40 price tag the game launched at. 

For a variety of reasons, we can't recommend you invest any money, no matter how big or small, into The Day Before. Not only is the game just outright terrible, but it will not be supported any further and the player counts are next to non-existent now. For an online game, you will have troubles playing it while the servers remain up. We also wouldn't expect the servers to remain operational for much longer.

[H/T Kotaku]
