The Last of Us Part 2 Glitch Allows Abby to Kill Tommy

One of the most exciting moments in The Last of Us Part II features a battle in which Abby and [...]

One of the most exciting moments in The Last of Us Part II features a battle in which Abby and Manny are being shot at by a sniper that turns out to be Tommy Miller, Joel's brother. The sequence was intentionally designed so that the player, as Abby, can't actually kill Tommy, but YouTuber Speclizer has revealed in a new video that players actually can catch up to Tommy if they're fast enough, and kill the character if successful. Since Tommy continues to play a major role in the game's narrative, however, it's unclear what happens if the player pulls this off.

Speclizer's video showcasing the accomplishment can be found at the top of this page. Following the video's release, Naughty Dog technical designer Asher Einhorn took to Twitter to reveal how this sequence was made, and how this glitch made it into the final game.

Einhorn's thread gives a really cool look at the development process. A lot of effort goes into every element of a game, and it's interesting to see why certain choices are made. In the thread, Einhorn talks about how difficult it was to create a fun boss fight where the player can't successfully kill their opponent. That presented a lot of challenges to Naughty Dog, but the effort seemed to be worth it!

Considering that it took more than a year since the game's release for someone to pull off this glitch, it seems that Naughty Dog and the QA team did a nice job making it hard for players to actually kill Tommy! Now that Speclizer has revealed how to do it, it will be interesting to see if Naughty Dog releases a patch, or if this remains a fun thing for fans of the game to try for themselves!

The Last of Us Part II is available now on PlayStation 4. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you pulled this off in The Last of Us Part II? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Games Radar]