
Ubisoft CEO Discusses ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’s Potential

Details about Ubisoft’s highly-anticipated prequel to 2003’s beloved Beyond Good & Evil have been […]

Details about Ubisoft’s highly-anticipated prequel to 2003’s beloved Beyond Good & Evil have been few and far between since being announced back at E3 in 2017. There’s been another trailer since then as well as some livestreams that showcased a bit of early gameplay, but the fans, present company included, will always want to know more. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently sat down with IGN to discuss many topics, one of which was none other than Beyond Good & Evil 2 and the potential he believes the game and its universe truly have.

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According to Guillemot, things are at a point where they are discussing going in one direction or another. “I spoke with Michel last week about it to see where it was going; how we should move in one or another direction,” he said. “We see the potential of this universe is fantastic, and Michel is really passionate [about it]. It’s going to be fantastic, I think.”

As stated above, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a prequel to the 2003 title, and since there is quite the gap in between each release, it’s likely going to feel like a whole new world. For starters, the upcoming title will be entirely online. “Beyond Good and Evil 2 is an online, multiplayer game with a rich co-op and seamless experience,” the game’s website reads.

“As such, the game will only be playable with an internet connection in order to have seamless navigation, receive dynamic updates, and play with friends (which is certainly better when you’re playing as a Space Pirate!). The choice to play co-op, however, remains yours to make, so playing BGE2 solo is absolutely possible if you’re into that lone Space Pirate kinda thing.”

Of course, with all of the potential that the prequel will apparently have to offer in terms of universe, it will definitely be interesting to see what kind of tales they have to tell. Plus, I am very curious to see what led Jade from being what is seen in the trailer above to what she was in the first game, as I’m sure all of you are as well.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 is currently without a release date, but a demo of sorts is expected to drop at some point in 2019.

What do you think about all of this? Can you not wait to get your hands on Beyond Good & Evil 2? When do you believe we will see the game officially launch? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!


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