Valheim Making Changes to Troll

Valheim developer Iron Gate Studio has shared some new insight about the ongoing development of [...]

Valheim developer Iron Gate Studio has shared some new insight about the ongoing development of the popular video game, and that includes the fact that players can expect the next update to include some enemy updates. More specifically, the troll and two different bosses are set to receive updates to their respective models that should bring them more in line with what the developer actually wants enemies to look like in Valheim.

"Some other things that we have worked on are graphical updates to the troll, the second boss, and the third boss to give their old models some new fresh looks," the development update reads in part, "and have their designs better fall in line with how we envision the enemies of Valheim." The update goes on to state that the troll has more hair, nails, and clearer musculature. As for what the new boss models look like, Iron Gate Studio isn't saying, but it did offer some teasing tidbits about its next big update, Hearth and Home, as well.

Here is how developer Iron Gate Studio describes Valheim, if you are somehow not familiar:

"A battle-slain warrior, the Valkyries have ferried your soul to Valheim, the tenth Norse world. Besieged by creatures of chaos and ancient enemies of the gods, you are the newest custodian of the primordial purgatory, tasked with slaying Odin's ancient rivals and bringing order to Valheim."

Valheim is currently available in Early Access on PC via Steam for $19.99. Per the developer, it is expected to remain in Early Access for at least a year. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the popular Viking PC video game right here.

What do you think about the latest Valheim updates? Are you looking forward to whatever the developer has in store? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!