Warner Bros.: Single Player Games Are Still Important

There are a few publishers out there that are looking to make changes to their game publishing [...]

WB Games

There are a few publishers out there that are looking to make changes to their game publishing plans. Some are looking to create "games-as-a-service;" while others look to multiplayer features over single player adventures despite the rampant success of Sony's God of War and other games of those types.

And while WB Games is one of those companies interested in that "service" plan, it also hasn't lost sight of the importance of single player games. In fact, it gave primary focus to the forthcoming Hitman 2 during its E3 showcase, proving its dedication to "going it alone," as it were.

While speaking with GamesBeat, David Haddad, who serves as president of Warner Bros., explained, "The perfect thing you brought up there is world-building. You know our slate well. In the past, and in as you'd probably guess the present, we have a history of building great worlds with great mechanics.

"Many of them are single-player. We continue to believe that even as esports grows, even as time spent playing multiplayer grows, there's still a very powerful space for narrative, storytelling, world-building, long-term engagement games.

"We know that's not everybody's approach in the industry. How you find those gamers, how you service them, and how you publish inside this time-spent environment, you have to pay attention to that, but we still believe there's a place for that."

With his comments, Haddad did point out how the "service" plan could work in WB's most current releases, like Middle-Earth: Shadow of War and Injustice 2. It's unknown if future games will continue to follow this pattern, but there's a good possibility.

All the same, don't be surprised if Warner Bros. announces good single player projects for the future. Like, for example, that Rocksteady Superman game that we want so badly…

Hitman 2 will make its debut in November 2018 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. It's sure to bring in players looking to take on a challenge all their own.

For those that prefer something a little more multiplayer-oriented, they can team up with friends in Lego DC Supervillains, which arrives this October for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.