Witcher 3's CD Projekt Red Issues Statement on Coronavirus

This year has been a very big one for CD Projekt Red. Despite releasing nearly five years ago, The [...]

This year has been a very big one for CD Projekt Red. Despite releasing nearly five years ago, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt has seen a major resurgence in interest among gamers, thanks to the popularity of Netflix's The Witcher series. As a result, CD Projekt has become Europe's second biggest video game company, and expectations are understandably high for their next project. Of course, that next project is Cyberpunk 2077, set for release this September. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, some fans might have expected a delay on the title, but the developer has revealed that development will continue remotely for the game, which remains on schedule.

CD Projekt Red is the latest developer to implement work-from-home procedures thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Polish developer, they were able to plan ahead, and make sure the proper technology was in place to institute full remote work for as long as is necessary. The news should come as significant relief to those anticipating Cyberpunk 2077.

While several video game companies have had to institute similar plans, what's interesting about CD Projekt Red's announcement is the fact that the developer remains committed to Cyberpunk 2077's September release date. Most developers have remained quiet on the possibility of delays, yet it seems increasingly likely that several games will be pushed back, in the coming days. The coronavirus pandemic could even have a significant impact on the release of the next generation of consoles, as well. It remains to be seen just how far-reaching the impact of the epidemic will be, but it's safe to say that the video game industry as a whole could face some major issues in the coming months.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the first title from CD Projekt Red that isn't based on The Witcher franchise. As such, the game will be a bit of a test for the developer. The game's release will serve to show whether or not the team is capable of delivering on something new. Time will tell if they can meet that challenge, but their confidence given the current world situation is refreshing, to say the least.

Are you looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077? Are you happy to hear that the game is still set for release in September? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!