Xbox Fans Call For the End of Xbox Live Gold

Xbox fans over on Twitter are calling for the end of Xbox Live Gold. Today, Microsoft revealed February's Games With Gold lineup or, in other words, the "free" Xbox One and Xbox 360 games Xbox Live Gold subscribers are getting next month. Suffice to say, the very underwhelming lineup of Xbox games prompted some backlash, though not as much as you would expect as many Xbox Live Gold subscribers have been conditioned to be underwhelmed after months and months and months of lackluster offerings. That said, while the backlash has been a bit more tamed compared to the past, "Xbox Live" and "Xbox Live Gold" have been trending on Twitter all day, and some have used the opportunity to call for the end of the subscription service. 

For example, taking to Twitter, Klobrille, one of the most popular Twitter accounts in the Xbox community, took aim at the subscription service today, noting it has no place in the current Xbox ecosystem, at least in its current form.

"Xbox Live Gold as an artificial console-only online paywall remains to contradict everything Xbox does," said Klobrille. "Gold prevents the frictionless "anywhere" vision the brand is aiming for -- and offering games like these only makes it even worse. Gold has no place in the Xbox ecosystem."

While many have been echoing this take -- whether in their own tweets, retweets, or via likes -- not everyone agrees with it. In fact, it seems to be a point of division for Xbox fans.

"Why get rid of It? Some people don't want Game Pass believe it or not," reads a reply disagreeing with the takes above" It is a great way to get Xbox 360 for free and discover AA games. The problem is every hardcore thinks that every service should give AAA or recognized games. How about devs game discovery or free bc games.

Of course, the million-dollar question is whether Xbox will actually pull the plug on Xbox Live Gold? The answer is probably no. It makes hundreds of millions every month via Xbox Live Gold. While Microsoft is a massive company with massive profits, it still has bean counters who are unlikely to just leave well over a billion dollars on the table every year by axing the subscription service, especially if there isn't even a united voice calling for it.