Mayfair Witches EPs Address Crossover Potential With Interview With the Vampire

Now that the second series in AMC's Immortal Universe based on the works of the late author Anne Rice, Mayfair Witches, is finally here, fans have one major question: will there be a crossover with the other major series in the universe, the wildly popular Interview With the Vampire? Given that both series exist within the same universe — and, indeed, there is some crossover between the stories of the vampires and the witches on the pages of Rice's novels — and are generally set in New Orleans, it seems somewhat inevitable that there will be some crossover and on Tuesday during the AMC panel at the TCA presentation (via Collider), series executive producer Mark Johnson and showrunner Esta Spalding addressed the possibility.

For her part, Spalding noted that there is one character that appears in both Mayfair Witches and Interview With the Vampire, but that she's "waiting for somebody to figure" out who that character is. Johnson, for his part, explained that there are other connections as well, noting that the two shows are completely separate so those connections may have to do more with theme than more traditional crossover.

"I think if we continue you will see a lot of connections, both in terms of characters, in terms of geography — some of them sort of fun, some of them almost like Easter eggs, and we very much want to tie the worlds together in a way that makes sense," Johnson said. "[Mayfair Witches and Interview With the Vampire are] completely separate on one hand, but thematically, just in terms of Anne Rice's — the way she deals with characters and the way she presents them — we want to find a way to have that all fluid throughout the various shows."

Johnson's comments on Tuesday are in line with what he said last summer at AMC's TCA presentation at that time when asked a similar question, noting that there would be Easter egg-like connections between the two series.

"Some are fun, some are deliberate, and some are almost Easter eggs," Johnson said of shared references in the two series. "But Mayfair Witches is very much its own project and its own series. Obviously, it's connected to Anne Rice's thematic and stylistic concentration, so it's very much a part of what she does but I would say that there's very little deliberately from Interview in Mayfair Witches."

What is Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches about?

The series is based on Anne Rice's trilogy of novels, Lives of The Mayfair Witches. The series synopsis is as follows: "Based on Anne Rice's Lives of the Mayfair WitchesMayfair Witches is an exploration of female power and the mortal implications of our decisions.  Mayfair Witches focuses on an intuitive young neurosurgeon (Alexandra Daddario) who discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches. As she grapples with her newfound powers, she must contend with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for generations."

Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches airs Sundays on AMC and AMC+.