The First Omen Director Addresses Possible Sequel

Arkasha Stevenson already has some ideas for more Omen films.

The First Omen is being released in theaters this week, and the new movie is a prequel set directly before the events of The Omen, which was released back in 1976. While the movie leads right into the original, that doesn't mean there isn't room for another sequel, especially considering the film has gotten early praise from critics. recently had the chance to chat with The First Omen director, Arkasha Stevenson, and she spoke about some of her hopes for the future. During the chat, we asked Stevenson if she'd be open to making a sequel to The First Omen, and she gave a promising response. 

"Oh, well, what is really fun is – as an Omen fan – there's the big question of where Damien came from and this film answers that, but then all these other questions pop up, and I feel like for me, I could keep going back in time and learning how the conspiracy started, where the jackal came from. It's fun to think in both temporal directions," Stevenson shared. 

During the interview, Stevenson also talked more about her love for the original film.

"Oh, it was totally simple and easy, right? No stress," Stevenson joked about directing her first feature. "No ... I mean, actually I had so much support and it was just a lot of fun. I am a big Omen fan, so this was just kind of a dream come true. And we got to shoot in Rome, so ... you're so distracted by everything and how fun it is to make this film that this stress kind of wears off."

"I think that the reason that the original is so impactful is because of the character development and the really grounded nature of the relationships, but then also how the horror is executed," Stevenson added. "I think that the cinematography is very egoless, which really allows everything to feel real and to lose yourself in it. And so that was something that we really wanted to bring as much as possible to this film. And I think with Margaret's character, Nell did such an incredible job making her real that you want to spend time with her and get to know her so that when her psyche starts to shatter. You're with her." 

You can watch our interview with Stevenson at the top of the page.

The First Omen lands in theaters on April 5th.