Chris Hemsworth And Jimmy Fallon Try Not To Laugh In Breaking Thor

Thor: Ragnarock star, Chris Hemsworth joined Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to promote his new [...]

Thor: Ragnarock star, Chris Hemsworth joined Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to promote his new film which is opening this weekend. As Fallon does, he had some games prepared for his god-like guest - this segments challenge used an iPad with sound effects. The game was possibly one of the toughest challenges ever for The Tonight Show host as to win the game he could not crack a smile or laugh as Hemsworth played random sounds on the tablet.

Hemsworth went first, only cracking a smile when he looked at Fallon asking what constituted smiling... judges called it on a technicality. Not surprisingly Fallon only lasted 10 seconds when for some reason the mention of a directors name caused him to lose it.
The second part of the game had them staring each other down playing sounds back and forth - both sides were not doing well but as the segment ended it was clear that Thor won the day and Fallon declared him the winner.
Starring Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tessa Thompson and Cate Blanchett, Thor: Ragnarock is already a massive blockbuster success and has a composite rating of 84.52 putting it at number six on the all time comic movies. Thor: Ragnarock opened Friday with a single day earning of $47 million and a projected weekend box office of well over $100 million.
Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization.