Agents of SHIELD: SPOILER is Already Back

Tonight’s Agents of SHIELD episode, “Collision Course (Part I),” was full of surprises, but [...]

Tonight's Agents of SHIELD episode, "Collision Course (Part I)," was full of surprises, but the moment that shocked us the most was seeing Enoch (Joel Stoffer) in the post-credits scene. Last week's episode saw FitzSimmons (Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge) saying goodbye to the lovable Chronicom, and we thought for sure it'd be the last we'd see him for a while. Enoch gave FitzSimmons a device to contact him if they were ever in danger, but considering Stoffer wasn't listed on IMDB for any more episodes, we figured we might not see him again until next season.

The end tag saw Enoch sending a message to a fellow Chronicom named Isaiah, who Enoch referred to as "cautious," which is in direct opposition to Enoch's "reckless" behavior. Enoch wants to bring together his fellow anthropologists in order to "gather the fragments of our broken civilization and repair." Unfortunately for the Chronicom, his former allies are now hunting him for saving FitzSimmons from their grasp. In addition to going after Enoch, the other Chronicoms plan to use the bits of FitzSimmons' minds they acquired two episodes earlier. Thankfully, it seems Isaiah is willing to help, meaning Enoch won't be on his own.

With Enoch and the Chronicoms still intertwined with FitzSimmons, it's likely we'll be seeing more of Stoffer. We love his robot-like antics and friendship with Fitz, so we're certainly not complaining about his immediate return.

Enoch made his Agents of SHIELD debut in the premiere episode of season five. In fact, the season kicked off with a great montage of his daily route. The Chronicom was tasked with helping Fitz get to the future once the rest of the team was sent via monolith. The version of Enoch who ended up in the future with Fitz sacrificed himself, but much like Fitz, there was another version of him in space in the current timeline. This season, the two have seen some adventures and became unexpected pals in the process.

Are you happy Enoch is already back? Tell us in the comments!

Agents of SHIELD stars Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson/Sarge), Ming-Na Wen (Melinda May), Chloe Bennet (Daisy "Quake" Johnson), Elizabeth Henstridge (Jemma Simmons), Iain De Caestecker (Fitz), Henry Simmons (Mack), Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez), and Jeff Ward (Deke).

Agents of SHIELD airs Friday nights on ABC at 8/7c.