Agents Of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 16: What If Recap With Spoilers

04/04/2017 11:00 pm EDT

In the Framework, Daisy goes into her bedroom. She wakes the man in the bed, expecting it to be Lincoln, but its Grant Ward. She tries to use her Quake powers on him, but she can't access her powers in the Framework. Ward takes Daisy's weirdness in stride and begins getting ready for work, talking about how many nights they spend tracking Inhumans. In the Framework, Daisy is still going by Skye and works for Hydra.

They drive to work as anti-Inhuman talk radio plays and the world around them encourages humans to be on the lookout for Inhumans. They head for the Triskellion, which has Hydra's emblem on it and Hydra memorabilia all over the inside.

In the Hydra office, Daisy searches for Lincoln and finds he died during some kind of testing. She then searches for Simmons and finds that she died from contamination to a toxic substance.

Except Simmons wakes up in her body and climbs out of a shallow grave. She realizes she was murdered and buried with someone else in the ruins of the SHIELD academy. She hitches a ride to Washington DC with a woman named Julia. They come to an Inhuman checkpoint. It turns out they can check for Inhuman pre-Terrigenesis, but this checkpoint only checks for ID. Without Jemma's ID they'll be arrested. Jemma finds her ID, but it's still a SHIELD ID. Julia kicks Jemma out of the car and she runs into the woods.

May leads the Hydra briefing that Ward and Skye are in on. They'll be interrogating an Inhuman who has been smuggling Terrigen. Daisy recognizes him a Vijay Nadeer. They interrogate him and find he has a fake ID card that must have been made within Hydra. He gets angry and Ward knocks him out.

Fitz enters a coffee shop. She scans an abandoned newspaper and notices there are no smartphones in use in the entire cafe. She takes someone's keys and a trenchcoat and tries to leave, but she's stopped by two Hydra agents. The agents search for Jemma in the databse in their car and find she should be dead. Jemma incapacitates both of them and steals their car.

Coulson is teaching a class. He is recounting recent history. The Cambridge Incident, when a refugee from Bahrain who was an Inhuman and did something terrible, leading tot he rise of Hydra and valuing the state over individuality. A student asks about Hydra coming from Nazis, and Coulson tells him that's just propaganda and Hydra is much older than Nazis. Just then a student is pulled out of class for them to run "a few tests."

May bursts into the interrogation room and throws water on Vijay. He says all Inhumans know about May, and that people blame Inhumans for what happened but it was really May's fault for getting it wrong. Vijay is to be brought to "The Doctor." In the hallway, Vijay tells Daisy that May allowed the Inhuman girl to come to Cambridge and kill all of those people, which gave Hydra the go ahead to do whatever it wanted. Vijay tries to run but is stopped by guards. "The Doctor," Fitz, arrives and pulls Daisy aside.

Simmons is waiting at the rendezvous point. She finds a hidden device under a rock. She puts an X on the park bench then goes back to the car. She searches for Daisy Johnson in the database but finds nothing. She searches for Fitz, but the information is restricted. She finds Coulson and decides to go find him.

Simmons arrives at the school and enters Coulson's classroom. Coulson doesn't know who she is and she tries to convince him that he's had his mind wiped. Simmons notices a hula doll on the shelf. He says it's Hawaiian, but Simmons thinks of TAHITI and tells him "it's a magical place." He doesn't respond. Simmons leaves and Coulson calls to report her as a subversive.

Simmons walks outside to find Coulson's student tagging her car. They both agree that Hydra is all Nazis, and the student lets Simmons borrow his car since he ruined hers.

Fitz and Simmons watch as a machine performs torturous tests on Vijay. May brings Coulson's subversive report ot Fitz and they put all assets on it.

Coulson looks through a file of scraps that seems to trigger strange feelings in him, including the repeated writing of the phrase "it's a magical place" and a postcard from TAHITI.

Daisy arrives at the rendezvous and is concerned by what she finds, but Simmons also arrives. They compare notes and then go to find somewhere safe, but then Ward arrives. He has a lot of questions. Hydra troops start moving in and Ward shoots at the them. It turns out he's with the resistance and they make a break for it. Ward hid Daisy's test results that confirmed she was an Inhuman. He's been protecting her and he was the one that got Vijay his ID. He knocked him out to shut him up. Ward mentions the doctor's dwarf drones and Simmons realizes who he must be. Daisy tells Ward her real name and they split up.

May reports to Fitz and tells him about the mole. He quotes his father and tells May to treat the mole like a cancer. He reminds May of her failure at Cambridge. The footage from the dwarfs were sent straight to the director.

Daisy and Simmons try to figure out why Radcliffe built a world like this. They realize it all starts with fixing Simmons' Bahrain regrets. They worry about how real the Framework is to those inside, even them. Daisy suggests they leave the Framework and talk to Yo-Yo to formulate some kind of plan. They try to use the extraction device, but it fails. Someone re-coded the exit and trapped them in the Framework.

Fitz goes to see the director, Aida, Madame Hydra, and she's the one who trapped them. She won't let him see the surveillance footage. He gets angry, but she pulls him close and they kiss.

Coulson walks outside to his car. He gets inside and Daisy is there waiting in the back seat. She tries to convince him to remember her. She tells him about how he's the closest thing she has to family and he suddenly remembers her name: Daisy.

MORE: Agents of SHIELD Propaganda Posters Hint At Life Under HYDRA / Agents Of SHIELD EP On How The Framework Effects FitzSimmons / New Rumors About Agents Of SHIELD's HYDRA Arc Detailed / First Look At Madame Hydra On Agents of SHIELD

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