'Agents of SHIELD' Producers on That EPIC 100th Episode

The epic 100th episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was packed with many twists, returns, [...]

The epic 100th episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was packed with many twists, returns, and revelations that fans have been gushing about.

But with everything that happened in the finale, from the wedding to Coulson's deal with Ghost Rider and everything in between, there's a lot to unpack as the series heads toward its fifth season finale.

Warning: Spoilers for Agents of SHIELD's 100th episode below.

Executive producers Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, and Jeff Bell spoke with TVLine about bringing the series full circle, which was included with the return of Deathlok.

"The beautiful thing about J. August [Richards returning] as Mike Peterson is that was our first case as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," said Bell. "It really launched the show. And the fact that he came back as both Mike Peterson and as Deathlok was a lot of fun for us."

"It was a way to bring it full circle," Tancharoen said, adding that the Fake Mike who attempted to convince Coulson the last five years were a lie was Coulson's fear of not making this family and protecting the world.

Speaking of the long-awaited wedding of FitzSimmons and the tease of Deke's relation, the producers teased that revelation would come into play as General Hale has learned about the connection.

"What we like about the way we did it is it's fun right now for the fans to know, but the characters don't, because that will inform how everything is viewed," Bell said. "Our characters can go about being completely oblivious. It's the same as if there was a bomb under the seat and the audience knew but the characters didn't. It brings a richness and texture and complexity to scenes that might seem fairly mundane."

"And also, by confirming that Deke is related to Fitz and Simmons, fans of that relationship not only are rewarded by seeing their wedding but by the promise that their legacy continues," added Tancharoen.

Coulson was revealed to be dying from the wound he suffered in The Avengers, as the deal with Ghost Rider resulted in the Kree serum being burned off from his body. That revelation has him confiding in Daisy, telling her that she'll have to prepare to lead SHIELD when he dies. Coupled with the events of this season, that's a lot on her plate.

"She's dealing with the fact that people say she destroyed the world — and she's not stoked about that," said Whedon.

"When you get the bad news that you're the 'Destroyer of Worlds,' you're going to want to do something about it!" quipped Bell.

"But I don't think that she's going to let Coulson give up his post as leader easily," Whedon said. "She clearly doesn't feel like she's ready, so we'll see how that manifests — whether or not she is, or whether or not she finds some other way out of this."

Fans will get to see how it all plays out when Agents of SHIELD returns next week with "Principia" on ABC.