Captain America: Civil War Is Beating All Other Marvel Movies In Tweets

Shawn Robbins, Senior Analyst at shared some thoughts on the accomplishment, saying: [...]

(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Captain America: Civil War is just starting its anticipated takeover of cinemas worldwide, but the movie has already made an impact on social media.

According to The Wrap, the film has received during the 7 day period of April 21st to April 27th, which calculates to 342,765 tweets concerning Civil War. Avengers: Age of Ultron managed 255,625 in the same time frame a week before its release, and that film is its closest Marvel competition. Overall Twitter activity for Civil War is about 34% higher than Ultron and 8% higher than Captain America: Winter Solider.


Shawn Robbins, Senior Analyst at shared some thoughts on the accomplishment, saying: "Civil War's' social media impact is arguably the most impressive yet from Marvel, and that's saying something given their remarkable history. Stellar reviews, strong anticipation, and the early international release are driving a kind of event-level buzz only previously seen in the MCU by the 'Avengers' and 'Iron Man' films. The hero-versus-hero dynamic is something fans have been waiting for, and it looks to set this film apart as the ultimate payoff to the delicate Steve Rogers/Tony Stark friendship — a turning point which Marvel has spent the better part of a decade earning through strong character development across their library of films."

Captain America: Civil War opens in North America on May 6th.